2010年-现在,东南大学 教授、博士生导师
2005年-2007年,日本 名古屋大学(Nagoya University)微纳系统工程系 博士后研究
1996年-2009年,东南大学 副教授、讲师、助教、硕士生导师
2000年-2000年, 加拿大 Concordia大学访问学者
本科生基础课“算法语言与程序设计 C++”
IEEE Journal Of MicroelectromechanicalSystem (JMEMS);
Sensors and Actuators
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
江苏省教学成果一等奖 (8)
[1] Yan Xing*, Jin Qian, Miguel A.Gosálvez, Jie Zhang, Yunze Zhang. Simulation-based optimization of out-of-plane, variable-height, convoluted quartz micro needle arrays via single-step anisotropic wet etching. Microelectronic Engineering. 2020, 111375 231(15) July 2020;
[2] Wu, Guorong; Xing, Yan*. The Model of Etch Rates of Crystallographic Planes of Sapphire Based on Step Flow Mechanism. IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 2020 29(5), 1234 -1244;
[3] Chai Qing, Chen Fang, Junyang Hu Yan Xing*, Dongliang Huang. Cellular Automaton Model for The Simulation of Laser Cladding Profile of Metal Alloys. Materials & Design. 2020, 195;
[4] Chen Fang, Yan Xing,∗, Zaifa Zhou, Qing Chai, Qianhuang Chen. Structural characterization and continuous cellular automata simulation of micro structures by focused Ga ion beam induceddeposition process. Sensors and Actuators A 312 1 (2020) 112150;
[5] Qianhuang Chen , Tianyang Shao and Yan Xing*. An Experiment-Based Profile Function for the Calculation of Damage Distribution in Bulk Silicon Induced by a Helium Focused Ion Beam Process. Sensors. 2020, 20(8):2306
[6] Huachen Peng, Penghao Dong, Xianqiang Cheng, Chen Zhang, Wencheng Tang *, Yan Xing *, Xin Zhou. Semi-Empirical Prediction of Residual Stress Distributions Introduced by Turning Inconel 718 Alloy Based on Lorentz Function. Materials 2020, 13(19), 4341;
[7] Qiu Xiaoli; Cheng Xianqiang; Dong Penghao; Peng Huachen; Xing Yan; Zhou Xin. Sensitivity Analysis of Johnson-Cook Material Constants and Friction Coefficient Influence on Finite Element Simulation of Turning Inconel 718. Materials 2019; 12(19);
[8] Veerla Swarnalatha, Prem Pal, Ashok Kumar Pandey, Avvaru Venkata Narasimha Rao, Yan Xing, Hiroshi Tanaka, Kazuo Sato. Systematic study of the etching characteristics of Si{111} in modified TMAH. : Volume 15, Issue 1, 15 January 2020, p. 52 – 57 Micro & Nano Letters.
[9] Penghao Dong , Huachen Peng, Xianqiang Cheng, Yan Xing*. Semi-Empirical Prediction of Residual Stress Profiles in Machining IN718 Alloy Using Bimodal Gaussian Curve Materials 2019, 12, 3864.
[10] Chen Fang, Qing Chai , Qianhuang Chen and Yan Xing*. Continuous Cellular Automaton Simulation of Focused Ion Beam-induced Deposition for Nano Structures. Nanotechnology. 2020 31 105301.
[11] Yan Xing, Zhiyue Guo, Miguel A. Gosálvez, Guorong Wu, Xiaoli Qiu. Characterization of anisotropic wet etching of single-crystal sapphire, Sensors and Actuators A 286 (2019) .
[12] Yuan Li, Yan Xing*, Chen Fang, Qianhuang Chen, Xiaoli Qiu. An experiment-based method for focused ion beam milling profile calculation and process design. Sensors and Actuators A 286 (2019) 78–90.
[13] Pei Wang, Qianhuang Chen, Yan Xing(*), Yuan Li, Chen Fang, Xiaoli Qiu. Molecular dynamic simulation of orientation-dependent effect on silicon crystalline during sputtering process of focused ion beam. , Microsystem Technologies, 2019.25: 1413–1422.
[14] Yan Xing*, Miguel A. Gosálvez, Hui Zhang, Yuan Li, The Maximum Positive Curvature Recognition Method to Determine Etch Profiles in Wet Etching of Quartz on AT and BT Cuts, IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 2018 , 27(4): 730-738.
[15] Minghui Pan, Wencheng Tang, Yan Xing. Assembly sequence optimization for minimizing the riveting path and overall dimensional error. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2018, 232(14): 2065-2615.
[16] Ni, Jun; Tang, Wen Cheng, (*) Xing, Yan(*) Performance of reducing the dimensional error of an assembly by the rivet upsetting direction optimization. , proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part b-journal of engineering manufacture, 2017.10, 231(12): 2133~2144.
[17] Yan Xing*, Miguel A. Gosálvez, Hui Zhang, Yuan Li, Xiaoli Qiu. Transient and Stable Profiles During Anisotropic Wet Etching of Quartz, IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 2017 ,26 (5) :1063-1072.
[18] Hui Zhang,Yuan Li,Miguel A. Gosalvez,Xiaoli Qiu,Yan Xing(*). Kinetic Monte Carlo method for the simulation of anisotropic wet etching of quartz. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical,2017.02.02,256(1):24~34.
[19] Jun Ni, WC Tang, Y Xing, Kecun Ben, Ming Li. A local-to-global dimensional error calculation framework for the riveted assembly using finite element analysis. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2015. 138(3) 031004.
[20] Zhuang Hui, Y Xing(*) , M A. Gosálvez, P. Pal, K. Sato. Removal probability function for Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of anisotropic etching of siliconin alkaline etchants containing additives. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical . 2015. 233, (1) Pages 451–459.
[21] Jun Ni, WC Tang, Y. Xing. Assembly process optimization for reducing the dimensional error of antenna assembly with abundant rivets, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2015. 72(11) 1-14.
[22] Yuan Li, M A. Gosálvez, Prem Pal, K. Sato Y Xing(*). Particle Swarm Optimization-based Continuous Cellular Automaton for the simulation of Deep Reactive Ion Etching Journal of Micromechanics and microengineering. , 2015. 25(5) 055023 SCI.
[23] P Pal, A Ashok, Y Xing. Anisotropic Etching in Low Concentration KOH: Effects of Surfactant Concentration. Micro & Nano Letters. 2015.
主要国际会议发表论文(IEEE MEMS conference, IEEE Transducers )
1]Wu, Guorong; Xing, Yan*; Fang, Chen; Yao, Jiabao; Lin, Xiaohui. Atomic Structure Method for the Calculation of Anisotropic Wet Etching Rate of Sapphire Crystal Source: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2020), v 2020-January, p 913-916.
[2]Shao, Tianyang; Chen, Qianhuang; Xing, Yan*; Lin, Xiaohui; Fang, Chen; Chai, Qing. An Experiment Based Damage Profile Function for Focused Helium Ion Beam Process in Fabrication of Micro/Nano Structures. Source: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2020), v 2020-January, p 905-908, MEMS 2020 EI
[3] Fang, Chen; Chen, Qianhuang ; Chai, Qing ; Xing, Yan*; Lin, Xiaohui. Continuous Cellular Automaton Simulation Model of Focused Ion Beam Induced Deposition Process for Micro/Nano Structures. 2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems IEEE TRANSDUCERS 2019, p 1607-1610
[4] Xing, Yan*; Guo, Zhiyue; Wu, Guorong; Gosalvez, Miguel A. Characterization of Orientation-Dependent Etching Properties and Surface Morphology of Sapphire Crystal in Wet Etching. :019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems IEEE TRANSDUCERS 2019, p 281-284.
[5] Zhang, Jie ; Xing, Yan* ; Gosalvez, Miguel A ; Qiu, Xiaoli ; Lin, Xiaohui; Zhang, Chibin. Level Set Simulation of Surface Evolution in Anisotropic Wet Etching of Patterned Sapphire Subtrate. Source: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2019), v 2019-January, p 361-364.
[6] Hui Zhang Jin Zhang; Yuan Li, Yan Xing (*) The microscopic activation energy etching mechanism in anisotropic wet etching of quartz, IEEE 31th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Belfast, (IEEE MEMS 2018), Belfast, 2018.1.21-2018.1.27
[7] Yuan Li ; Hui Zhang; Xiaoli Qiu, Yan Xing* An experiment-based model for focused ion beam simulation and the process design optimization, IEEE 31th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Belfast, (IEEE MEMS 2018), Befast, 2018.1.21-2018.1.27
[8] Y Zhang,J Zhang,Y Xing*,H Zhang, M A Gosalvez. The level set simulation for complex microstructures in quartz wet etching . IEEE International Conference on Solid-state Sensors (IEEE Transducers 17), 2017 :1356-1359.
[9] H Zhang,Y Xing*,J Zhang,M A Gosálvez,Y Li. Evolutionary Kinetic Monte Carlo method for the simulation of anisotropic etching of Z-cut, at-cut and BT-cut quartz. IEEE International Conference on Solid-state Sensors (IEEE Transducers 17), 2017 :1308-1311
[10] X Yan*,Z Hui,PP Cai,L Yuan. The study of self-limited state profile and level set simulation of anisotropic wet etching on quartz. IEEE 30th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Belfast, (IEEE MEMS 2017),
项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
具有器件级、工艺级、系统级设计功能的微纳传感器综合设计工具开发 | 重点研发计划课题 子课题 | 2019-2022 | 承担 | 36万 |
氮化镓微纳结构各向异性湿法刻蚀工艺机理与界面演化模型研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2019-2022 | 承担 | 60万 |
国IV低排放柴油机进气系统核心部件智能产线研发 | 南京市科技局 | 2018-2019 | 承担 | 25万 |
国IV低排放采油机进气系统核心部件研发 | 江苏省科技厅,重大科技成果转化 | 2016-2019 | 承担 | 120万 |
微创介入手术导丝加工装备设计及性能测试装置 | 企业横向 | 2019-2021 | 承担 | 55万 |
汽车电子产品自动装配工艺装备设计与系统研发 | 企业横向 | 2018-2021 | 承担 | 85万 |
汽车换挡器自动装配线生产管理系统研发 | 企业横向 | 2019-2020 | 承担 | 15万 |
数字化探究实验数据采集分析系统软件研发 | 企业横向 | 2018-2019 | 承担 | 10万 |
三维复杂曲面钣金激光切割智能制造关键技术研究 | 江苏省前瞻性联合研究项目 | 2015-2017 | 承担 | 20万 |
航空钛合金钣金件热成形工艺方法 | 基础科研 中航工业 | 2011-2015 | 承担 | 100万 |
聚焦离子束气体辅助刻蚀工艺机理与界面演化模拟方法研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2014-2017 | 承担 | 80万 |
适形各向异性湿法腐蚀工艺中表面活性剂的吸附机制与模型研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2010-2013 | 承担 | 36万 |
MEMS多物理场耦合分析设计平台及应用产品开发与产业化 | 江苏省科技厅,重大成果转化项目 | 2009-2011 | 承担 | 35万 |
MEMS工艺平台研究 | 江苏省六大人才高峰 | 2011-2012 | 承担 | 6万 |
薄壁件复杂电子产品结构装配工艺 | 中电集团 基础科研 | 2011-2015 | 参与 | 180万 |
[1] Yan Xing*, Jin Qian, Miguel A.Gosálvez, Jie Zhang, Yunze Zhang. Simulation-based optimization of out-of-plane, variable-height, convoluted quartz micro needle arrays via single-step anisotropic wet etching. Microelectronic Engineering. 2020, 111375 231(15) July 2020;
[2] Wu, Guorong; Xing, Yan*. The Model of Etch Rates of Crystallographic Planes of Sapphire Based on Step Flow Mechanism. IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 2020 29(5), 1234 -1244;
[3] Chai Qing, Chen Fang, Junyang Hu Yan Xing*, Dongliang Huang. Cellular Automaton Model for The Simulation of Laser Cladding Profile of Metal Alloys. Materials & Design. 2020, 195;
[4] Chen Fang, Yan Xing,∗, Zaifa Zhou, Qing Chai, Qianhuang Chen. Structural characterization and continuous cellular automata simulation of micro structures by focused Ga ion beam induceddeposition process. Sensors and Actuators A 312 1 (2020) 112150;
[5] Qianhuang Chen , Tianyang Shao and Yan Xing*. An Experiment-Based Profile Function for the Calculation of Damage Distribution in Bulk Silicon Induced by a Helium Focused Ion Beam Process. Sensors. 2020, 20(8):2306
[6] Huachen Peng, Penghao Dong, Xianqiang Cheng, Chen Zhang, Wencheng Tang *, Yan Xing *, Xin Zhou. Semi-Empirical Prediction of Residual Stress Distributions Introduced by Turning Inconel 718 Alloy Based on Lorentz Function. Materials 2020, 13(19), 4341;
[7] Qiu Xiaoli; Cheng Xianqiang; Dong Penghao; Peng Huachen; Xing Yan; Zhou Xin. Sensitivity Analysis of Johnson-Cook Material Constants and Friction Coefficient Influence on Finite Element Simulation of Turning Inconel 718. Materials 2019; 12(19);
[8] Veerla Swarnalatha, Prem Pal, Ashok Kumar Pandey, Avvaru Venkata Narasimha Rao, Yan Xing, Hiroshi Tanaka, Kazuo Sato. Systematic study of the etching characteristics of Si{111} in modified TMAH. : Volume 15, Issue 1, 15 January 2020, p. 52 – 57 Micro & Nano Letters.
[9] Penghao Dong , Huachen Peng, Xianqiang Cheng, Yan Xing*. Semi-Empirical Prediction of Residual Stress Profiles in Machining IN718 Alloy Using Bimodal Gaussian Curve Materials 2019, 12, 3864.
[10] Chen Fang, Qing Chai , Qianhuang Chen and Yan Xing*. Continuous Cellular Automaton Simulation of Focused Ion Beam-induced Deposition for Nano Structures. Nanotechnology. 2020 31 105301.
[11] Yan Xing, Zhiyue Guo, Miguel A. Gosálvez, Guorong Wu, Xiaoli Qiu. Characterization of anisotropic wet etching of single-crystal sapphire, Sensors and Actuators A 286 (2019) .
[12] Yuan Li, Yan Xing*, Chen Fang, Qianhuang Chen, Xiaoli Qiu. An experiment-based method for focused ion beam milling profile calculation and process design. Sensors and Actuators A 286 (2019) 78–90.
[13] Pei Wang, Qianhuang Chen, Yan Xing(*), Yuan Li, Chen Fang, Xiaoli Qiu. Molecular dynamic simulation of orientation-dependent effect on silicon crystalline during sputtering process of focused ion beam. , Microsystem Technologies, 2019.25: 1413–1422.
[14] Yan Xing*, Miguel A. Gosálvez, Hui Zhang, Yuan Li, The Maximum Positive Curvature Recognition Method to Determine Etch Profiles in Wet Etching of Quartz on AT and BT Cuts, IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 2018 , 27(4): 730-738.
[15] Minghui Pan, Wencheng Tang, Yan Xing. Assembly sequence optimization for minimizing the riveting path and overall dimensional error. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2018, 232(14): 2065-2615.
[16] Ni, Jun; Tang, Wen Cheng, (*) Xing, Yan(*) Performance of reducing the dimensional error of an assembly by the rivet upsetting direction optimization. , proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part b-journal of engineering manufacture, 2017.10, 231(12): 2133~2144.
[17] Yan Xing*, Miguel A. Gosálvez, Hui Zhang, Yuan Li, Xiaoli Qiu. Transient and Stable Profiles During Anisotropic Wet Etching of Quartz, IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 2017 ,26 (5) :1063-1072.
[18] Hui Zhang,Yuan Li,Miguel A. Gosalvez,Xiaoli Qiu,Yan Xing(*). Kinetic Monte Carlo method for the simulation of anisotropic wet etching of quartz. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical,2017.02.02,256(1):24~34.
[19] Jun Ni, WC Tang, Y Xing, Kecun Ben, Ming Li. A local-to-global dimensional error calculation framework for the riveted assembly using finite element analysis. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2015. 138(3) 031004.
[20] Zhuang Hui, Y Xing(*) , M A. Gosálvez, P. Pal, K. Sato. Removal probability function for Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of anisotropic etching of siliconin alkaline etchants containing additives. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical . 2015. 233, (1) Pages 451–459.
[21] Jun Ni, WC Tang, Y. Xing. Assembly process optimization for reducing the dimensional error of antenna assembly with abundant rivets, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2015. 72(11) 1-14.
[22] Yuan Li, M A. Gosálvez, Prem Pal, K. Sato Y Xing(*). Particle Swarm Optimization-based Continuous Cellular Automaton for the simulation of Deep Reactive Ion Etching Journal of Micromechanics and microengineering. , 2015. 25(5) 055023 SCI.
[23] P Pal, A Ashok, Y Xing. Anisotropic Etching in Low Concentration KOH: Effects of Surfactant Concentration. Micro & Nano Letters. 2015.
主要国际会议发表论文(IEEE MEMS conference, IEEE Transducers )
1]Wu, Guorong; Xing, Yan*; Fang, Chen; Yao, Jiabao; Lin, Xiaohui. Atomic Structure Method for the Calculation of Anisotropic Wet Etching Rate of Sapphire Crystal Source: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2020), v 2020-January, p 913-916.
[2]Shao, Tianyang; Chen, Qianhuang; Xing, Yan*; Lin, Xiaohui; Fang, Chen; Chai, Qing. An Experiment Based Damage Profile Function for Focused Helium Ion Beam Process in Fabrication of Micro/Nano Structures. Source: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2020), v 2020-January, p 905-908, MEMS 2020 EI
[3] Fang, Chen; Chen, Qianhuang ; Chai, Qing ; Xing, Yan*; Lin, Xiaohui. Continuous Cellular Automaton Simulation Model of Focused Ion Beam Induced Deposition Process for Micro/Nano Structures. 2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems IEEE TRANSDUCERS 2019, p 1607-1610
[4] Xing, Yan*; Guo, Zhiyue; Wu, Guorong; Gosalvez, Miguel A. Characterization of Orientation-Dependent Etching Properties and Surface Morphology of Sapphire Crystal in Wet Etching. :019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems IEEE TRANSDUCERS 2019, p 281-284.
[5] Zhang, Jie ; Xing, Yan* ; Gosalvez, Miguel A ; Qiu, Xiaoli ; Lin, Xiaohui; Zhang, Chibin. Level Set Simulation of Surface Evolution in Anisotropic Wet Etching of Patterned Sapphire Subtrate. Source: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2019), v 2019-January, p 361-364.
[6] Hui Zhang Jin Zhang; Yuan Li, Yan Xing (*) The microscopic activation energy etching mechanism in anisotropic wet etching of quartz, IEEE 31th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Belfast, (IEEE MEMS 2018), Belfast, 2018.1.21-2018.1.27
[7] Yuan Li ; Hui Zhang; Xiaoli Qiu, Yan Xing* An experiment-based model for focused ion beam simulation and the process design optimization, IEEE 31th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Belfast, (IEEE MEMS 2018), Befast, 2018.1.21-2018.1.27
[8] Y Zhang,J Zhang,Y Xing*,H Zhang, M A Gosalvez. The level set simulation for complex microstructures in quartz wet etching . IEEE International Conference on Solid-state Sensors (IEEE Transducers 17), 2017 :1356-1359.
[9] H Zhang,Y Xing*,J Zhang,M A Gosálvez,Y Li. Evolutionary Kinetic Monte Carlo method for the simulation of anisotropic etching of Z-cut, at-cut and BT-cut quartz. IEEE International Conference on Solid-state Sensors (IEEE Transducers 17), 2017 :1308-1311
[10] X Yan*,Z Hui,PP Cai,L Yuan. The study of self-limited state profile and level set simulation of anisotropic wet etching on quartz. IEEE 30th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Belfast, (IEEE MEMS 2017),
项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
具有器件级、工艺级、系统级设计功能的微纳传感器综合设计工具开发 | 重点研发计划课题 子课题 | 2019-2022 | 承担 | 36万 |
氮化镓微纳结构各向异性湿法刻蚀工艺机理与界面演化模型研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2019-2022 | 承担 | 60万 |
国IV低排放柴油机进气系统核心部件智能产线研发 | 南京市科技局 | 2018-2019 | 承担 | 25万 |
国IV低排放采油机进气系统核心部件研发 | 江苏省科技厅,重大科技成果转化 | 2016-2019 | 承担 | 120万 |
微创介入手术导丝加工装备设计及性能测试装置 | 企业横向 | 2019-2021 | 承担 | 55万 |
汽车电子产品自动装配工艺装备设计与系统研发 | 企业横向 | 2018-2021 | 承担 | 85万 |
汽车换挡器自动装配线生产管理系统研发 | 企业横向 | 2019-2020 | 承担 | 15万 |
数字化探究实验数据采集分析系统软件研发 | 企业横向 | 2018-2019 | 承担 | 10万 |
三维复杂曲面钣金激光切割智能制造关键技术研究 | 江苏省前瞻性联合研究项目 | 2015-2017 | 承担 | 20万 |
航空钛合金钣金件热成形工艺方法 | 基础科研 中航工业 | 2011-2015 | 承担 | 100万 |
聚焦离子束气体辅助刻蚀工艺机理与界面演化模拟方法研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2014-2017 | 承担 | 80万 |
适形各向异性湿法腐蚀工艺中表面活性剂的吸附机制与模型研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2010-2013 | 承担 | 36万 |
MEMS多物理场耦合分析设计平台及应用产品开发与产业化 | 江苏省科技厅,重大成果转化项目 | 2009-2011 | 承担 | 35万 |
MEMS工艺平台研究 | 江苏省六大人才高峰 | 2011-2012 | 承担 | 6万 |
薄壁件复杂电子产品结构装配工艺 | 中电集团 基础科研 | 2011-2015 | 参与 | 180万 |