吴鹏,乐投·体育,教授、博导,医学装备系副主任。在生物流体力学和计算流体力学领域内有20年的科研和工作经历,先后在北京航空航天大学、清华大学和比利时鲁汶大学获学士、硕士和博士学位,在德国海德堡大学、亚琛工业大学从事访问研究, 有多元而国际化的工作经历。曾在三大计算流体力学软件提供商之一的比利时Numeca 公司(布鲁塞尔)担任主任工程师,负责计算流体力学方面的研发工作, 期间获得永久工作合同。
2015年以来,先后主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,江苏省科技计划2项,以及多项医工交叉合作项目。 2019年以来,以一作/通讯在领域内权威期刊如Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology,Artificial Organs,Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,iScience,Soft Robotics 等发表 SCI期刊论文 22篇,授权发明专利 19项。获中国发明创业奖创新奖二等奖(排名1)、江苏省力学学会科学技术奖一等奖(排名1)等奖项。担任中国生物医学工程学会机械循环支持分会委员、中国机械工程学会流体传动与控制分会特种流控专业委员会委员、江苏省力学学会生物力学专业委员会委员,担任领域内二十余种权威期刊的审稿人,多个领域内权威期刊的客座编辑。
2024.01-现在, 东南大学,机械工程学院,江苏省微纳生物医疗器械设计与制造重点实验室,教授
2022.01-2023.12, 苏州大学-苏磁科技协同创新中心,主任
2017.04-2022.04, 杭州晟视科技有限公司 ,联合创始人、技术总监
2014.01-2024.01, 苏州大学,机电工程学院,人工器官研究所,副教授、教授、副所长
2012.10-2013.12, 比利时Numeca International(布鲁塞尔),主任工程师
2006.08-2007.12, 德国海德堡大学,交叉学科高性能计算研究中心(IWR),研究助理
Wu P*, Xiang WJ, Zhang KJ, Du GT (2024) Turbulentflow field in maglev centrifugal blood pumps of CH-VAD and HeartMate III: secondaryflow and its effects on pump performance, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10237-024-01855-1.
Wu P*, Bai YQ, Du GT, Zhang LD, Zhang XY (2023) Resistance valves in circulatory loops have a significant impact on in vitro evaluation of blood damage caused by blood pumps: a computational study, Frontiers in Physiology, 14:1287207. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1287207.
Wu P*, Wu ZJ, Chen HB, Chen ZS, Zhang XW, Yang M (2023) Editorial: Recent advances in the design and preclinical evaluation of ventricular assist devices, Frontiers in Physiology, 14:1322077. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1322077.
Xiang WJ, Wu WT*, Wu P* (2023) Influence of inlet boundary conditions on the prediction of flow field and hemolysis in blood pumps, Bioengineering, 10(2):274.
Wu P*, Huo JD, Zhang ZJ, Wang CJ* (2022) The influence of non-conformal grid interfaces on the results of large eddy simulation of centrifugal blood pumps, Artificial Organs, 46(9): 1804-1816.
Mei X, Lu B, Wu P*, Zhang LD* (2022) In vitro study of red blood cell and VWF damage in mechanical circulatory support devices based on blood-shearing platform, Proceedings of IMechE Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 236(6):860-866.
Wu P*, Xiang WJ, Yin CK* and Li S* (2021) The design and evaluation of a portable extracorporeal centrifugal blood pump, Frontiers in Physiology, 12:766867. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.766867.
Huo JD#, Wu P#*, Zhang LD, Wu WT* (2021) Large eddy simulation as a fast and accurate engineering approach for the simulation of rotary blood pumps, International Journal of Artificial Organs, 44(11):887-899.
Wu P*, Huo JD, Dai WF, Yin CK*, Li S* (2021) On the optimization of a centrifugal maglev blood pump through design variations, Frontiers in Physiology, 12:699891. doi:10.3389/fphys.2021.699891.
Wu P*, Zhang LD, Gao Q, Dai WF (2021) Effect of turbulent inlet conditions on the prediction of flow field and hemolysis in the FDA ideal medical device, Proceedings of IMechE Part H: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 235(2):391-401.
Dai WF, Wu P*, Liu GM* (2021) A two-phase flow approach for modeling blood stasis and estimating the thrombosis potential in ventricular assist devices, International Journal of Artificial Organs, 44(7): 471-480.
Wu P*, Gross-Hardt S, Boehning F, Hsu PL (2020) An energy-dissipation-based power law formulation for estimating hemolysis. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 19:591-602.
Wu P*, Gao Q, Hsu PL (2019) On the representation of effective stress for computing hemolysis. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 18:665-679.
Wu P*, Boehning F, Gross-Hardt S, Hsu PL (2018) On the accuracy of hemolysis model in Couette-type of shearing devices, Artificial Organs, 42(10): E290–E303.
Wang L, Jiang XD, Zhang KJ, Chen K, Wu P*, Li XQ* (2024) A hemodynamic analysis of energy loss in abdominal aortic aneurysm using three-dimension idealized model, Frontiers in Physiology, 15: 1330848.
Jiang XD#, Xiang GY#, Du GT, Du XL*, Wu P*, Li XQ* (2023) A hemodynamic analysis of fenestrated physician-modified endograft repair for complicated aortic dissections involving the visceral arteries, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 242:07785.
Zhang ZJ#, Zhu JD#, Wu M*, Wu WT, Wu P* (2023). Computational modeling of hemodynamics and risk of thrombosis in the left atrial appendage using patient-specific blood viscosity and boundary conditions at the mitral valve, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 22(4):1447-1457.
Jiang XD, Cao HY, Zhang ZJ, Zheng TH, Li XQ, Wu P* (2022). A hemodynamic analysis of the thrombosis within occluded coronary arterial fistulas with terminal aneurysms using a blood stasis model, Frontiers in Physiology, 13:906502. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.906502.
Jiang XD#, Li Da#, Wu P*, Li XQ, Zheng TH* (2022) A two-fluid blood stasis model for false lumen thrombosis after type B dissection repair, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 25(13):1499-1508.
Jiang XD#,Gu XP#,Xu TZ, Li XQ*, Wu P*, Sun LL* (2022) Patient-specific hemodynamic analysis of IVCS-induced DVT, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 25(11): 1211-1221.
Hua Y, Yu CH, Zhao Q, Li MG, Wu WT*, Wu P* (2023) Surrogate modeling of heat transfers of nanofluids in absorbent tubes with fins based on deep convolutional neural network, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 20: 123736.
Liu GC, Jiang YG*, Wu P*, Ma ZQ, Chen HW, Zhang DY (2022). Artificial Whisker Sensor with Undulated Morphology and Self-Spread Piezoresistors for Diverse Flow Analyses, Soft Robotics, 10(1):97-105.
Jiang YG*, Zhao P, Cai XF, Dong ZH, Chen HW, Wu P*, Hu HY, Jin XX, Zhang DY, Liu H* (2022) Bristled-wing design of materials, microstructures, and aerodynamics enables flapping flight in tiny wasps, iScience, 25(1): 103692.
Wu P, Feng ZB, Cao SJ* (2018) Fast and accurate prediction of airflow and drag force for duct ventilation using wall-modeled large-eddy simulation, Building and Environment, 141: 226-235.
Wu P, Meyers J* (2013) A constraint for the subgrid-scale stresses in the logarithmic region of high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers: a solution to the log-layer mismatch problem, Physics of Fluids, 25, 015104.
Wu P, Meyers J* (2011) Globally conservative high-order filters for large-eddy simulation and computational aero-acoustics, Computers & Fluids, 48(5):150-162. 2011.
张子健,余晴阳,邓业林,吴鹏*考虑叶轮与蜗壳间隙的风机多因素正交优化设计, 流体机械,2023, 51(6):26-32.
Wu P* (2022). Recent advances in the application of computational fluid dynamics in the development of rotary blood pumps, Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, 16: 100177.
陆斌,张柳笛*,梅旭,尹成科,蒋秋波,郇娜娜,吴鹏*, 基于新型磁悬浮Taylor-Couette血液剪切平台研究VWF损伤规律, 医用生物力学, 2022, 37(4):699-705。
江旭东,许天泽,孙莉莉,李晓强*,吴鹏*, 髂静脉狭窄所致侧支循环与下肢深静脉血栓之间关联的血流动力学研究, 医用生物力学, 2022,37(1):105-111。
王晨,徐博翎,吴鹏*, 叶片倒角对FDA标准血泵流场和溶血预测的影响, 医用生物力学, 2019,34(1):57-63。
Wu P, Meyers J* (2012) An improved blending formulation for wall-modeled large-eddy simulations, Progress in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling (Editors: S Fu, W Haase, SH Peng and D Schwamborn), Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-31817-7, 111-120, 2012. EI
白宇峤,赵翔宇,毛新元,吴鹏,张柳笛. 一种阻力阀.申请号:PCT/CN2023/ 074209
白宇峤,赵翔宇,毛新元,吴鹏,张柳笛. 一种阻力阀.申请号:202310027918.4
尹成科, 吴鹏, 戴伟峰. 一种离心泵,申请号202110205984.7
吴鹏, 郑庭辉, 吴思齐. 一种血液瘀滞预测方法及系统,专利号ZL202010929347.X,授权日期:2023年08月11号
柳光茂,吴鹏,胡盛寿,尹成科. 一种磁悬浮血泵装置,申请号202010629153.8
刘星利,魏润杰,高琪,吴鹏. 一种血流储备分数评估方法及装置、存储介质,专利号ZL 201910894411.2,授权日期:2023年05月30日
王辉山,魏润杰,刘涛,鲁云霞,高琪,吴鹏. 一种路线规划方法、终端及存储介质, 专利号ZL 201910574719.9,授权日期:2021年03月09号
王辉山,魏润杰,刘涛,黄利忠,高琪,吴鹏. 一种信息处理方法和装置、及可读存储介质, 专利号ZL201910491017.4,授权日期:2021年01月08号
魏润杰,樊红光,郑哲,李其杰,高琪,吴鹏. 一种模型的分离方法、装置、终端和计算机存储介质,ZL201910310086.0. 授权日期:2021年09月14号
魏润杰,王洪平,高琪,吴鹏. 一种壁面切应力优化方法及装置、存储介质,专利号ZL 201910127951.8,授权日期:2021年05月11号
魏润杰,王洪平,高琪,吴鹏. 一种血流量的确定方法、装置、电子设备和计算机存储介质,专利号ZL 201910103229.0,授权日期:2021年01月08号
魏润杰,李博文,高琪,吴鹏. 一种血管提取方法、装置及计算机可读存储介质, 专利号ZL 201910073353.7,授权日期:2021年01月08号
高琪,黄利忠,吴鹏,魏润杰. 一种冠脉搭桥参数的确定方法、装置、设备和存储介质, 专利号ZL201811614134.7,授权日期:2021年01月08号
魏润杰,黄利忠,高琪,吴鹏. 评估血流储备分数的系统、方法、设备及存储介质, 专利号ZL 201811296891.4 ,授权日期:2022年08月09号
高琪,樊红光,郑哲,金熳夙,吴鹏,魏润杰. 一种左心耳复杂度的确定方法,装置及计算机存储介质, ZL201811261668.6,授权日期:2021年08月10号
魏润杰,吴鹏,刘星利,高琪. 血流储备分数确定系统、方法、终端及存储介质,专利号ZL201811119677.1,授权日期:2022年02月01号
魏润杰,王洪平,高琪,吴鹏. 一种评估血流储备分数的方法及装置、设备、存储介质,ZL201810983737.8,授权日期:2022年03月11号
魏润杰,高琪,李博文,吴鹏. 一种血管提取的方法、装置及存储介质, 专利号ZL201810936725.X,授权日期:2021年01月08号
魏润杰,吴鹏,刘星利,高琪. 一种确定冠状动脉血流储备分数FFR的方法和装置, 专利号ZL 201810568691.3,授权日期:2021年08月10号
魏润杰,王虎峰,高琪,吴鹏,李飞,王巍.一种医疗图像的处理方法、装置及计算机存储介质, 授权号 ZL201810534684.1,授权日期:2020年12月08号
魏润杰,高琪,刘星利,吴鹏,李飞,王巍.一种血流速度的修正方法、装置、终端和计算机存储介质, ZL201810517956.7,授权日期:2022年04月12号
吴鹏,边玉成,吴思齐.一种基于能量耗散的溶血经验预测方法及装置,专利号 ZL201711274526.9,授权日期:2021年05月18号
吴鹏, 潘志刚, 尹成科. 磁悬浮泵用叶轮、泵头、叶轮设计方法. 发明专利. 专利号ZL202311126829.1,授权日期:2024年1月26日
潘志刚, 吴鹏, 尹成科. 磁悬浮泵用叶轮、泵头及磁悬浮泵. 实用新型专利,授权号ZL202322380476.X,授权日期:2023年12月19日
吴鹏,张坤. 可穿戴辅助投篮装置,专利号:ZL201720980556.0,授权日期:2018年03月02号
吴鹏,乐投·体育,教授、博导,医学装备系副主任。在生物流体力学和计算流体力学领域内有20年的科研和工作经历,先后在北京航空航天大学、清华大学和比利时鲁汶大学获学士、硕士和博士学位,在德国海德堡大学、亚琛工业大学从事访问研究, 有多元而国际化的工作经历。曾在三大计算流体力学软件提供商之一的比利时Numeca 公司(布鲁塞尔)担任主任工程师,负责计算流体力学方面的研发工作, 期间获得永久工作合同。
2015年以来,先后主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,江苏省科技计划2项,以及多项医工交叉合作项目。 2019年以来,以一作/通讯在领域内权威期刊如Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology,Artificial Organs,Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,iScience,Soft Robotics 等发表 SCI期刊论文 22篇,授权发明专利 19项。获中国发明创业奖创新奖二等奖(排名1)、江苏省力学学会科学技术奖一等奖(排名1)等奖项。担任中国生物医学工程学会机械循环支持分会委员、中国机械工程学会流体传动与控制分会特种流控专业委员会委员、江苏省力学学会生物力学专业委员会委员,担任领域内二十余种权威期刊的审稿人,多个领域内权威期刊的客座编辑。
Wu P*, Xiang WJ, Zhang KJ, Du GT (2024) Turbulentflow field in maglev centrifugal blood pumps of CH-VAD and HeartMate III: secondaryflow and its effects on pump performance, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10237-024-01855-1.
Wu P*, Bai YQ, Du GT, Zhang LD, Zhang XY (2023) Resistance valves in circulatory loops have a significant impact on in vitro evaluation of blood damage caused by blood pumps: a computational study, Frontiers in Physiology, 14:1287207. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1287207.
Wu P*, Wu ZJ, Chen HB, Chen ZS, Zhang XW, Yang M (2023) Editorial: Recent advances in the design and preclinical evaluation of ventricular assist devices, Frontiers in Physiology, 14:1322077. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1322077.
Xiang WJ, Wu WT*, Wu P* (2023) Influence of inlet boundary conditions on the prediction of flow field and hemolysis in blood pumps, Bioengineering, 10(2):274.
Wu P*, Huo JD, Zhang ZJ, Wang CJ* (2022) The influence of non-conformal grid interfaces on the results of large eddy simulation of centrifugal blood pumps, Artificial Organs, 46(9): 1804-1816.
Mei X, Lu B, Wu P*, Zhang LD* (2022) In vitro study of red blood cell and VWF damage in mechanical circulatory support devices based on blood-shearing platform, Proceedings of IMechE Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 236(6):860-866.
Wu P*, Xiang WJ, Yin CK* and Li S* (2021) The design and evaluation of a portable extracorporeal centrifugal blood pump, Frontiers in Physiology, 12:766867. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.766867.
Huo JD#, Wu P#*, Zhang LD, Wu WT* (2021) Large eddy simulation as a fast and accurate engineering approach for the simulation of rotary blood pumps, International Journal of Artificial Organs, 44(11):887-899.
Wu P*, Huo JD, Dai WF, Yin CK*, Li S* (2021) On the optimization of a centrifugal maglev blood pump through design variations, Frontiers in Physiology, 12:699891. doi:10.3389/fphys.2021.699891.
Wu P*, Zhang LD, Gao Q, Dai WF (2021) Effect of turbulent inlet conditions on the prediction of flow field and hemolysis in the FDA ideal medical device, Proceedings of IMechE Part H: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 235(2):391-401.
Dai WF, Wu P*, Liu GM* (2021) A two-phase flow approach for modeling blood stasis and estimating the thrombosis potential in ventricular assist devices, International Journal of Artificial Organs, 44(7): 471-480.
Wu P*, Gross-Hardt S, Boehning F, Hsu PL (2020) An energy-dissipation-based power law formulation for estimating hemolysis. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 19:591-602.
Wu P*, Gao Q, Hsu PL (2019) On the representation of effective stress for computing hemolysis. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 18:665-679.
Wu P*, Boehning F, Gross-Hardt S, Hsu PL (2018) On the accuracy of hemolysis model in Couette-type of shearing devices, Artificial Organs, 42(10): E290–E303.
Wang L, Jiang XD, Zhang KJ, Chen K, Wu P*, Li XQ* (2024) A hemodynamic analysis of energy loss in abdominal aortic aneurysm using three-dimension idealized model, Frontiers in Physiology, 15: 1330848.
Jiang XD#, Xiang GY#, Du GT, Du XL*, Wu P*, Li XQ* (2023) A hemodynamic analysis of fenestrated physician-modified endograft repair for complicated aortic dissections involving the visceral arteries, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 242:07785.
Zhang ZJ#, Zhu JD#, Wu M*, Wu WT, Wu P* (2023). Computational modeling of hemodynamics and risk of thrombosis in the left atrial appendage using patient-specific blood viscosity and boundary conditions at the mitral valve, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 22(4):1447-1457.
Jiang XD, Cao HY, Zhang ZJ, Zheng TH, Li XQ, Wu P* (2022). A hemodynamic analysis of the thrombosis within occluded coronary arterial fistulas with terminal aneurysms using a blood stasis model, Frontiers in Physiology, 13:906502. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.906502.
Jiang XD#, Li Da#, Wu P*, Li XQ, Zheng TH* (2022) A two-fluid blood stasis model for false lumen thrombosis after type B dissection repair, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 25(13):1499-1508.
Jiang XD#,Gu XP#,Xu TZ, Li XQ*, Wu P*, Sun LL* (2022) Patient-specific hemodynamic analysis of IVCS-induced DVT, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 25(11): 1211-1221.
Hua Y, Yu CH, Zhao Q, Li MG, Wu WT*, Wu P* (2023) Surrogate modeling of heat transfers of nanofluids in absorbent tubes with fins based on deep convolutional neural network, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 20: 123736.
Liu GC, Jiang YG*, Wu P*, Ma ZQ, Chen HW, Zhang DY (2022). Artificial Whisker Sensor with Undulated Morphology and Self-Spread Piezoresistors for Diverse Flow Analyses, Soft Robotics, 10(1):97-105.
Jiang YG*, Zhao P, Cai XF, Dong ZH, Chen HW, Wu P*, Hu HY, Jin XX, Zhang DY, Liu H* (2022) Bristled-wing design of materials, microstructures, and aerodynamics enables flapping flight in tiny wasps, iScience, 25(1): 103692.
Wu P, Feng ZB, Cao SJ* (2018) Fast and accurate prediction of airflow and drag force for duct ventilation using wall-modeled large-eddy simulation, Building and Environment, 141: 226-235.
Wu P, Meyers J* (2013) A constraint for the subgrid-scale stresses in the logarithmic region of high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers: a solution to the log-layer mismatch problem, Physics of Fluids, 25, 015104.
Wu P, Meyers J* (2011) Globally conservative high-order filters for large-eddy simulation and computational aero-acoustics, Computers & Fluids, 48(5):150-162. 2011.
张子健,余晴阳,邓业林,吴鹏*考虑叶轮与蜗壳间隙的风机多因素正交优化设计, 流体机械,2023, 51(6):26-32.
Wu P* (2022). Recent advances in the application of computational fluid dynamics in the development of rotary blood pumps, Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, 16: 100177.
陆斌,张柳笛*,梅旭,尹成科,蒋秋波,郇娜娜,吴鹏*, 基于新型磁悬浮Taylor-Couette血液剪切平台研究VWF损伤规律, 医用生物力学, 2022, 37(4):699-705。
江旭东,许天泽,孙莉莉,李晓强*,吴鹏*, 髂静脉狭窄所致侧支循环与下肢深静脉血栓之间关联的血流动力学研究, 医用生物力学, 2022,37(1):105-111。
王晨,徐博翎,吴鹏*, 叶片倒角对FDA标准血泵流场和溶血预测的影响, 医用生物力学, 2019,34(1):57-63。
Wu P, Meyers J* (2012) An improved blending formulation for wall-modeled large-eddy simulations, Progress in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling (Editors: S Fu, W Haase, SH Peng and D Schwamborn), Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-31817-7, 111-120, 2012. EI
白宇峤,赵翔宇,毛新元,吴鹏,张柳笛. 一种阻力阀.申请号:PCT/CN2023/ 074209
白宇峤,赵翔宇,毛新元,吴鹏,张柳笛. 一种阻力阀.申请号:202310027918.4
尹成科, 吴鹏, 戴伟峰. 一种离心泵,申请号202110205984.7
吴鹏, 郑庭辉, 吴思齐. 一种血液瘀滞预测方法及系统,专利号ZL202010929347.X,授权日期:2023年08月11号
柳光茂,吴鹏,胡盛寿,尹成科. 一种磁悬浮血泵装置,申请号202010629153.8
刘星利,魏润杰,高琪,吴鹏. 一种血流储备分数评估方法及装置、存储介质,专利号ZL 201910894411.2,授权日期:2023年05月30日
王辉山,魏润杰,刘涛,鲁云霞,高琪,吴鹏. 一种路线规划方法、终端及存储介质, 专利号ZL 201910574719.9,授权日期:2021年03月09号
王辉山,魏润杰,刘涛,黄利忠,高琪,吴鹏. 一种信息处理方法和装置、及可读存储介质, 专利号ZL201910491017.4,授权日期:2021年01月08号
魏润杰,樊红光,郑哲,李其杰,高琪,吴鹏. 一种模型的分离方法、装置、终端和计算机存储介质,ZL201910310086.0. 授权日期:2021年09月14号
魏润杰,王洪平,高琪,吴鹏. 一种壁面切应力优化方法及装置、存储介质,专利号ZL 201910127951.8,授权日期:2021年05月11号
魏润杰,王洪平,高琪,吴鹏. 一种血流量的确定方法、装置、电子设备和计算机存储介质,专利号ZL 201910103229.0,授权日期:2021年01月08号
魏润杰,李博文,高琪,吴鹏. 一种血管提取方法、装置及计算机可读存储介质, 专利号ZL 201910073353.7,授权日期:2021年01月08号
高琪,黄利忠,吴鹏,魏润杰. 一种冠脉搭桥参数的确定方法、装置、设备和存储介质, 专利号ZL201811614134.7,授权日期:2021年01月08号
魏润杰,黄利忠,高琪,吴鹏. 评估血流储备分数的系统、方法、设备及存储介质, 专利号ZL 201811296891.4 ,授权日期:2022年08月09号
高琪,樊红光,郑哲,金熳夙,吴鹏,魏润杰. 一种左心耳复杂度的确定方法,装置及计算机存储介质, ZL201811261668.6,授权日期:2021年08月10号
魏润杰,吴鹏,刘星利,高琪. 血流储备分数确定系统、方法、终端及存储介质,专利号ZL201811119677.1,授权日期:2022年02月01号
魏润杰,王洪平,高琪,吴鹏. 一种评估血流储备分数的方法及装置、设备、存储介质,ZL201810983737.8,授权日期:2022年03月11号
魏润杰,高琪,李博文,吴鹏. 一种血管提取的方法、装置及存储介质, 专利号ZL201810936725.X,授权日期:2021年01月08号
魏润杰,吴鹏,刘星利,高琪. 一种确定冠状动脉血流储备分数FFR的方法和装置, 专利号ZL 201810568691.3,授权日期:2021年08月10号
魏润杰,王虎峰,高琪,吴鹏,李飞,王巍.一种医疗图像的处理方法、装置及计算机存储介质, 授权号 ZL201810534684.1,授权日期:2020年12月08号
魏润杰,高琪,刘星利,吴鹏,李飞,王巍.一种血流速度的修正方法、装置、终端和计算机存储介质, ZL201810517956.7,授权日期:2022年04月12号
吴鹏,边玉成,吴思齐.一种基于能量耗散的溶血经验预测方法及装置,专利号 ZL201711274526.9,授权日期:2021年05月18号
吴鹏, 潘志刚, 尹成科. 磁悬浮泵用叶轮、泵头、叶轮设计方法. 发明专利. 专利号ZL202311126829.1,授权日期:2024年1月26日
潘志刚, 吴鹏, 尹成科. 磁悬浮泵用叶轮、泵头及磁悬浮泵. 实用新型专利,授权号ZL202322380476.X,授权日期:2023年12月19日
吴鹏,张坤. 可穿戴辅助投篮装置,专利号:ZL201720980556.0,授权日期:2018年03月02号