[1] Jie Cheng, Yonghao Yang, et al.Fabrication of piezoelectric poly(l-lactic acid) nanofiber membranes with controllable properties, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2024, 35(8): e6542:1-8
[2] Cheng Jie, Jiang Zhijie, et al. Critical Parameters for the Properties of Poly (L-Lactic Acid) Mixed-Braided Stent: Monofilaments Diameter and Friction Coefficient, Polymers For Advanced Technologies, 2024, 35(12): e70036:1-9
[3] Jie Cheng, Taotao Zhao, et al. Evaluation of the stress relaxation behavior of poly(L-lactic acid) self-expanding braided stents[J]. Polym Adv Technol.2024;35:e6199
[4] Cheng Jie, Su Junjie,et al. Experimental investigation on the properties of poly(L-lactic acid) vascular stent after accelerated in vitro degradation[J].Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2022;e53116.1-8.
[5] Cheng Jie, Li Junjie,et al.Improvedmechanical properties of poly(L-lactic acid) stent coated by poly(D, L-lacticacid) and poly(L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) biopolymer blend[J].Polymersfor advanced technologies, 2022;33:1109–1115.
[6] Junjie Su, Jie Cheng*, et al. Degradation simulation of Poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) vascular stents based on the continuous damage model. Journal of Physics:Conference Series(ICMAA 2022)
[7] JiaYuTao, Jie Cheng*,GuTian Zhao, Xue Hu, XingZhong Gu, JunJie Su. Computational Modeling of theCorrosion Process and Mechanical Performance of Biodegradable Stent, The 5thInternational Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and AutomotiveEngineering, 新加坡, 2021.2.26-2021.2.28
[8] Hu Xue,Cheng Jie*.Simulation and Experimental Investigationinto Mechanical Behaviors of PLLA Stents during Deployment.Proceedings - 2020 Ural Symposium on BiomedicalEngineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology, USBEREIT 2020:203-206.
[9] Cheng Jie, Ni Zhonghua, Li lijun.A study on the wall shear stress of stented artery model by using electrochemical technique. 2010 International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering( MACE2010), 2010:2566-2569.
[10] 程洁, 周啸, 李俐军, 倪中华. 冠脉支架的多功能体外力学性能测试装置及实验研究[J].东南大学学报(自然科学版)2010,40(2):341-345.
[11] Cheng Jie, Ni Zhonghua. A numerical study on the wall shear stress of stented artery model.IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA2010),2010:1593-1597.
[12] 程洁, 倪中华, 顾兴中.预防再狭窄的冠状动脉支架的研究进展[J].中国医疗器械杂志. 2009,33(6):429-434.
[13] 顾兴中, 程洁, 李俐军, 倪中华. 血管支架耦合系统血流动力学数值模拟与实验研究[J]. 东南大学学报( 自然科学版) 2012,43(6): 1089-1093.
项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
基于连续损伤理论的生物可降解支架降解力学行为优化与测试方法研究 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 | 2018.01-2021.12 | 项目独立或牵头、主持 | 550000 |
血管支架的流固耦合血流动力学模型机理和实验研究 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 | 2013.01-2016.12 | 项目独立或牵头、主持 | 800000 |
基于Dean惯性流的微纳米生物粒子自组装芯片研究 | 江苏省自然科学基金项目 | 2011.01-2014.07 | 项目独立或牵头、主持 | 100000 |
血管支架介入耦合系统的力学行为优化与测试方法研究 | 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 | 2009.01-2011.12 | 项目独立或牵头、主持 | 210000 |
面向介入治疗的血管支架数字化设计和偶合扩张过程的研究 | 江苏省自然科学基金项目 | 2005.08-2007.08 | 项目独立或牵头、主持 | 80000 |
专利号 | 专利名称 | 专利类型 |
201110000596.1 | 血管支架植入病变处血流流动性能的测试装置及方法 | 发明 |
[1] Jie Cheng, Yonghao Yang, et al.Fabrication of piezoelectric poly(l-lactic acid) nanofiber membranes with controllable properties, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2024, 35(8): e6542:1-8
[2] Cheng Jie, Jiang Zhijie, et al. Critical Parameters for the Properties of Poly (L-Lactic Acid) Mixed-Braided Stent: Monofilaments Diameter and Friction Coefficient, Polymers For Advanced Technologies, 2024, 35(12): e70036:1-9
[3] Jie Cheng, Taotao Zhao, et al. Evaluation of the stress relaxation behavior of poly(L-lactic acid) self-expanding braided stents[J]. Polym Adv Technol.2024;35:e6199
[4] Cheng Jie, Su Junjie,et al. Experimental investigation on the properties of poly(L-lactic acid) vascular stent after accelerated in vitro degradation[J].Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2022;e53116.1-8.
[5] Cheng Jie, Li Junjie,et al.Improvedmechanical properties of poly(L-lactic acid) stent coated by poly(D, L-lacticacid) and poly(L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) biopolymer blend[J].Polymersfor advanced technologies, 2022;33:1109–1115.
[6] Junjie Su, Jie Cheng*, et al. Degradation simulation of Poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) vascular stents based on the continuous damage model. Journal of Physics:Conference Series(ICMAA 2022)
[7] JiaYuTao, Jie Cheng*,GuTian Zhao, Xue Hu, XingZhong Gu, JunJie Su. Computational Modeling of theCorrosion Process and Mechanical Performance of Biodegradable Stent, The 5thInternational Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and AutomotiveEngineering, 新加坡, 2021.2.26-2021.2.28
[8] Hu Xue,Cheng Jie*.Simulation and Experimental Investigationinto Mechanical Behaviors of PLLA Stents during Deployment.Proceedings - 2020 Ural Symposium on BiomedicalEngineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology, USBEREIT 2020:203-206.
[9] Cheng Jie, Ni Zhonghua, Li lijun.A study on the wall shear stress of stented artery model by using electrochemical technique. 2010 International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering( MACE2010), 2010:2566-2569.
[10] 程洁, 周啸, 李俐军, 倪中华. 冠脉支架的多功能体外力学性能测试装置及实验研究[J].东南大学学报(自然科学版)2010,40(2):341-345.
[11] Cheng Jie, Ni Zhonghua. A numerical study on the wall shear stress of stented artery model.IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA2010),2010:1593-1597.
[12] 程洁, 倪中华, 顾兴中.预防再狭窄的冠状动脉支架的研究进展[J].中国医疗器械杂志. 2009,33(6):429-434.
[13] 顾兴中, 程洁, 李俐军, 倪中华. 血管支架耦合系统血流动力学数值模拟与实验研究[J]. 东南大学学报( 自然科学版) 2012,43(6): 1089-1093.
项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
基于连续损伤理论的生物可降解支架降解力学行为优化与测试方法研究 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 | 2018.01-2021.12 | 项目独立或牵头、主持 | 550000 |
血管支架的流固耦合血流动力学模型机理和实验研究 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 | 2013.01-2016.12 | 项目独立或牵头、主持 | 800000 |
基于Dean惯性流的微纳米生物粒子自组装芯片研究 | 江苏省自然科学基金项目 | 2011.01-2014.07 | 项目独立或牵头、主持 | 100000 |
血管支架介入耦合系统的力学行为优化与测试方法研究 | 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 | 2009.01-2011.12 | 项目独立或牵头、主持 | 210000 |
面向介入治疗的血管支架数字化设计和偶合扩张过程的研究 | 江苏省自然科学基金项目 | 2005.08-2007.08 | 项目独立或牵头、主持 | 80000 |
专利号 | 专利名称 | 专利类型 |
201110000596.1 | 血管支架植入病变处血流流动性能的测试装置及方法 | 发明 |